Renaissancemusikuge 2008 på Engelsholm slot

These are my digital memories from the wonderful 2008 Renaissancemusikuge.

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Contact me if you would like to get a login or have any trouble accessing, downloading or using files from this site.

Audio recordings

My audio recordings are available as [MP3] files.


The Gallery shows some impressions of the castle and the surroundings, including the nearby Nørup kirke.

The photos and videos from the recitals have been disabled upon request.

Sheet music

When I get to know new pieces of music that I enjoy, I always like to prepare tidy scores on my computer so that I can retrieve them at the press of a button later on. So that is also what I did with a few of my favourite pieces after returning from Engelsholm.1

Due partly to limitations of the programs at my disposal and partly to my personal preferences, these are modern editions rather than anything close to "facsimiles" or imitations of the mensural notes as which most originals at Engelsholm were printed. I do hope nobody is offended by this little "heresy"...

Understandably, the aspects where my editions contain the most "interpretation" by myself are the ones mentioned by Edward Wickham in his musica ficta talk: accidentals and the distribution of lyrics. As to accidentals, I have added my editorial suggestions (as is common practice) above the notes; the lyrics, on the other hand, are simply written out as I feel they might fit. If you look at the music and anything strikes you as really odd, you are welcome to pipe up and tell me!


1  Most of my music editions are created with the note editor NoteWorthy Composer (aka NWC) version 2, which I warmly recommend. Source files in NWC format are provided.